세상에서 가장 오래된 시위, 수요일 12시

수요시위 아카이브는 1992년 1월부터 시작된 “일본군성노예제 문제해결을 위한 정기 수요시위”의 기억과 기록을 담고 있는 공간입니다.

1. 전쟁범죄 인정

2. 진상규명

3. 공식사죄

4. 법적배상

5. 책임자 처벌

6. 역사교과서에 기록

7. 추모비와 사료관 건립


수요시위의 어제와 오늘을 통해 함께 만들어갈 평화로운 내일을 그려 봅니다.

The world's longest protest: Wednesday Demonstration, held every Wednesday at 12pm

The Wednesday Demonstration Archive aims to remember and record the Wednesday Demonstration for Resolution of the Japanese Military Sexual Slavery Issue, which has been taking place since January 1992 to demand the Japanese Government to:

1. Admit the Japanese military sexual slavery system as a war crime.

2. Disclose official documents.

3. Deliver an official apology.

4. Make reparations to the victims.

5. Punish those responsible.

6. Educate and record the sexual slavery system in history textbooks.

7. Erect a memorial monument and build an official archive.

We hope to contribute to a peaceful future through remembering both the past and present of the Wednesday Demonstration.