Master Kwon was born in Pusan Korea in 1937. He was a frail child so, at age twelve, his mother encouraged him to become stronger in both mind and body by studying under the tutelage of Ha Dae-Yong. He completed his Taekwon-Do training under General Choi, Hong Hi. During his early years, Master Kwon was employed as a reporter for the Pusan Daily News. He put himself through college, receiving a B.A. in Economics. His philosophy of Taekwon-Do is explained in his book, Zen and the Art of Self-Defense, originally published in 1971 by Otto Wilhelm Barth Verlag Because of Master Kwon’ superior abilities and intangible qualities, he was chosen by General Choi, in 1965, to be one of the members of the demonstration team of master instructors to introduce Taekwon-Do to Europe, Asia, and the Middle East. After the mission was complete, Master Kwon remained in Germany where he single-handedly built an International Federation of Traditional Taekwon-Do Schools. Today, Master Kwon has many independent schools in Germany alone, as well as many other schools in Cyprus, Greece, America and Korea. In addition, he has thousands of Black Belts worldwide, all of whom he has personally tested for promotion to black belt. In this manner, he insures that all federation schools meet his high standard of quality and that all students practice his philosophy. A significant part of his philosophy includes the practice of humility. Master Kwon teaches that, “hard work is the foundation of Taekwon-Do and of life. But hard work alone will not accomplish everything; and alone, it will not earn the respect of your students. It must be accompanied by humility. Humility is the willingness to help those who need it, and the modesty to not flaunt our own abilities. Humility breeds respect. We must always remember this”.